Im WWW-Tipp der Woche 46/2000 behandele ich Standseilbahnen. Das gefiel offenbar COSTANTINO DE VITO, der mir am 12.1.2001 schrieb:
Dear friend, I've visited your page "WWW-Tipp der Woche 46/2000"; it is very interesting. I've realized a webring in which sites about funiculars and similar means of transport (as cable cars) are grouped toghether in ring and each site is linked to another by a simple navigation bar. Rings are created and maintained by the RingMaster, who determines the look and feel of the ring, approves content, and encourage others to join. To become a member of this Ring you need a Yahoo! ID, that is a key to simplifying the system and replaces the old, difficult-to-remember passwords and Ring IDs. Visit this URL, sign up for your Yahoo! ID if you still haven't it, and then provide the information requested:
Then you will receive an e-mail of approvation in which you will be instructed how to install the Ring navigation bar onto your site. If you want, you can encourage others to join. More site there are in the ring, and higher is the probability your site obtein new visits.
It's is easy. If you need help, email me at [auf Wunsch von Herrn DE VITO am 7.1.2003 entfernt aber in seinem Webring weiter zu finden, später vielleicht mehr dazu]. If you have no interest in joining this Ring, simply delete this email.
Regards Costantino De Vito
Ringmaster "Funicular Web Ring"
Webmaster "Vesuvius funicular, railway and chairlift"
Ich antwortete mit meinem besten Schulenglisch:
Dear Mr. De Vito,
Thank you, but the documents from my folder "Surftipps" should not be part of a webring, because my only work was to visit other homepages and to write about it. But look at my new report from Cologne (9.nov.2000):
I prefer to make this URL part of your webring.
Am 14.1.2001 meldete ich mich bei Yahoo an und speicherte ID und Paßwort in einer Datei. Auch der Funicular-Webring-Ringmaster hatte was unternommen::
You have submitted your site to the Ring titled
"Funicular Web Ring." The information you
submitted is:
Site Title: Modell der Seilbahn Besancon
Site URL:
Yahoo! ID: nschnitzler
The RingMaster has registered the following message as part
of their join instructions:
The RingMaster has been notified of your request to join the
Ring and will notify you of their decision.
Meanwhile, you may be required by the RingMaster to have
the server-side Navigation Bar (SSNB) on your site (your site
may not be approved without it). You can find the SSNB
for your site at this URL:
If have already installed the SSNB, you don't need to do it
again. Once the navigation code is installed on your
site, the Yahoo! WebRing system automatically places an
additional Ring SSNB on your site when it is added to other
Need Help? Visit Yahoo! WebRing online help:
und zur gleichen Zeit
The RingMaster of "Funicular Web Ring" has approved your web site!
Your site includes the following information:
Site Title: Modell der Seilbahn Besancon
Yahoo!ID: nschnitzler
Visit the Ring at the following URL:
RingMaster Comments: "Please add the HTML code. For problem contact me at "[auf Wunsch von Herrn DE VITO am 7.1.2003 entfernt aber in seinem Webring weiter zu finden, später vielleicht mehr dazu]
Need Help? Visit Yahoo! WebRing online help:
Am 15.1. wurde mir erklärt, wie es geht:
The RingMaster of Funicular Web Ring Ring has sent you the following message:
"Here is how to obtein the Nav Bar code you must add
on your page
Go to page
(My Rings), sign in and then edit Funicular Webring. Here
click on get Nav Bar, so you will obtein your personalized
code. If you need help, email me at " [auf Wunsch von Herrn DE VITO am 7.1.2003 entfernt aber in seinem Webring weiter zu finden, später vielleicht mehr dazu]
Your site in the Ring includes the following information:
Site Title: Modell der Seilbahn Besancon
Site URL:
Yahoo! ID: nschnitzler
Als ich versuchte, damit dem Webring beizutreten, war angeblich mein Paßwort falsch. Ich schrieb Yahoo eine e-mail (in Deutsch). Ich bekam zwar bald eine Antwort, aber zunächst diese Mahnung vom 17.1.:
The RingMaster of Funicular Web Ring Ring has sent you the following message:
"Dear friend, your site in the funicular webring doesn't show the navigation bar in the page with which you join. In this way the ring doesn't work properly. You should add the code of navigation bar in your homepage. If you don't add it in next seven days, I will be obliged to delete your site from the webring. To obtein the Nav Bar code go to page (My Rings), sign in and then edit Funicular Webring. Here click on get Nav Bar, so you will obtein your personalized code. If you need help, email me at "[auf Wunsch von Herrn DE VITO am 7.1.2003 entfernt aber in seinem Webring weiter zu finden, später vielleicht mehr dazu]
Your site in the Ring includes the following information:
Site Title: Modell der Seilbahn Besancon
Site URL:
Yahoo! ID: nschnitzler
Das wußte ich schon. Der soll nicht so drängeln, an mir hat es schließlich nicht gelegen.
Mit dem neuen Paßwort, das mir Yahoo zuwies, konnte ich die Navigationselemente bald danach einbauen und erfolgreich die Probe machen. Nun erwartete ich keine Probleme mehr, aber am 6.2.2001 schrieb man mir:
The RingMaster of "Funicular Web Ring" has suspended your site.
Your site information includes the following information:
Site Title: Modell der Seilbahn Besancon
Site URL:
Yahoo! ID: nschnitzler
The site was suspended due to the reasons listed below by
the RingMaster.
the content is no longer relevant to this Ring. the web site
URL cannot be found.
Additional Comments:
Need Help? Visit Yahoo! WebRing online help:
Komisch, daß über den Inhalt eines Netzgeländes (web site), das angeblich nicht gefunden werden kann (URL cannot be found), behauptet werden kann, er sei nicht länger relevant (no longer relevant). Tröstlich immerhin, daß der funimag-Herausgeber MICHEL AZEMA sich über die Fotos des Seilbahnmodells freute, denn er schrieb mir am 21.1.2001:
Very nice reconstitution, very good likeness!
Thank you for the link!
Das Finale kam am 13.2.:
The RingMaster of "Funicular Web Ring" has deleted your site from the Ring.
Your site includes the following information:
Site Title: Modell der Seilbahn Besancon
Site URL:
Yahoo! ID: nschnitzler
The site was deleted due to the reasons cited below by the RingMaster.
Additional Comments:
Need Help? Visit Yahoo! WebRing online help:
Was soll ich da noch schreiben. Nie mehr Webring!